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You should know, you're a medic - What is reiki and does it work?

BMJ 2001; 323 doi: (Published 01 August 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;323:0108292
  1. Kay Brennan, fourth year medical student1
  1. 1University of Leeds

Kay Brennan delves into the technique

Laying on of hands to heal is as old as the hills. People have been doing it since the beginning of time. It's a natural instinct to put your hands on someone when they are hurt or not well.

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing technique. It is used for stress reduction, relaxation, and to promote healing. reiki (pronounced “ray-key”)--is a Japanese word meaning universal (rei) life-force (ki) and is a term used to refer to the body's energy. It is this energy that healers believe flows through all living things and can be activated to increase well being.

Ancient Buddhist practice

Reiki is an ancient Buddhist practice dating back approximately 2500 years. Its origins can be found in Tibetan sutras, ancient records of cosmology, and philosophy. The sutras were rediscovered in the mid 1800s by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk, who found that ancient civilisations believed that there was a life force energy that flowed through the body, supporting optimal development and fulfilment. The sutras described disease as a state of imbalance of energy that caused disruption in optimal functioning of the body, …

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