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BMJ 2001; 323 doi: (Published 11 August 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;323:346
  1. Gavin Yamey (, deputy editor
  1. wjm—Western Journal of Medicine

    Herbst International Exhibition Hall, The Presidio, San Francisco

    Until 14 October 2001

    One of the most unsettling things about living in the San Francisco bay area is the proximity to death row. California has 601 inmates condemned to die by lethal injection or gas, and the killings take place at San Quentin jail, just a short ferry ride from the city. It is hard to reconcile the area's enlightened politics—on race, sex, and sexuality—with its inhumane treatment of prisoners.

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    The maiden: when closed the screams of its pierced victim were inaudible


    Aldo Migliorini, the curator of “Torture,” a historical exhibition of devices used to inflict suffering and death, wants to remind the people of San Francisco that torture and execution are happening right on their doorstep. The exhibition has the backing of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and other activist groups …

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