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Student Education

Radiology Quiz

BMJ 2001; 322 doi: (Published 01 April 2001) Cite this as: BMJ 2001;322:0104103
  1. Barry Kelly, consultant radiologist1,
  2. Ian C Bickle, fourth year medical student2
  1. 1Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
  2. 2Queen's University, Belfast

Case history

This 38 year old woman presented at her local accident and emergency department complaining of severe pain on the right side of her chest. The pain started earlier in the day after she had a dizzy spell and fell, hitting a piece of furniture on the way down. The pain was worse on inspiration and on movement. On examination the lower, anterior ribs on the right were tender to palpation, she was in obvious distress, and the nurse reported that her respiratory rate was18, with a SpO2 of 95% on room air. An x ray examination was taken of her chest and the result is shown here.


  • (1) What acute radiological abnormality do you see on this film? Pay attention to the enlarged image.

  • (2) …

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