Intended for healthcare professionals

Book Book

The Arts in Healthcare: Learning from Experience

BMJ 2000; 320 doi: (Published 18 March 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;320:810
  1. Joan Beadle, senior lecturer
  1. Department of Fine Arts, Manchester Metropolitan University

    Embedded Image

    Eds Duncan Haldane, Susan Loppert

    King's Fund Publishing, £14.99, pp 164

    ISBN 1 85717 246 9

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    Siting the arts in the public domain is often a contested practice. The specific and particular demands of the healthcare environment make this no exception. This publication of presentations delivered to the conference “Arts in Healthcare,” held at the Roehampton Institute in September 1997, follows other attempts to collate and validate the expansive and constantly diverging practices that occur under the generic term “arts in health care.” As Duncan Haldane acknowledges in his introduction, one of the recurring issues in any debate on the arts in health care is that of how such projects might be …

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