Intended for healthcare professionals


Maxwell CrannaAndrew Walters ForbesGeoffrey Frederick James GoddardDaniel John GoldsteinGinette Lesley HarrisonMichael LeibsonJohn David LewisPatrick Joseph O'RourkeKathleen Mary SpencerAndrew WattJohn Leslie David Williams

BMJ 2000; 320 doi: (Published 22 January 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;320:253

Maxwell Cranna

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Former general practitioner Cheltenham (b Aberdeen 1933; q Glasgow 1956), died from prostate cancer on 12 November 1999. After qualifying Max took up a short service commission with the 7th Battalion Malay Regiment for three years, some on active service. He passed his primary fellowship course but then abandoned further studies in favour of continuing adventures abroad. He became a ship's surgeon on the Union Castle Line. He was in practice in Cheltenham for over 30 years and a senior partner when he retired in 1993. Max was medical officer at Cheltenham College and occupational health doctor to the East Gloucestershire Trust, becoming a senior clinical medical officer. A keen Rotarian, he was president of the Cheltenham Club in 1984-5. He took an interest in international fellowship and organised exchanges with the twin club of Chatellerault, of which he was made an honorary member. The Rotary awarded him the Paul Harris fellowship for distinguished service. Max played trumpet with the Rotary jazz band for many years, raising money for charity. He leaves a wife, Catherine, and two daughters.

[Charlotte Ashby]

Andrew Walters Forbes

Consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Pontefract and Pinderfields NHS Trust, 1987-99 (b India 1950; q St George's 1974; MRCOG), died suddenly from a myocardial infarction on 8 December 1999. Andrew's parents were Methodist missionaries in India, but although a religious man he declared at the age of 3 that he wanted to be a doctor. He was a registrar in Bradford and Hull and a senior registar in Aberdeen. He was a meticulous surgeon and a passionate teacher, who loved to pass on his skills. Andrew always taught that his way was best, and in his hands it certainly was. His desire for clinical excellence was unmatched and he was an excellent ally. His kindness and sense of humour endeared him …

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