Intended for healthcare professionals


Incidence of childhood fractures in affluent and deprived areas: population based study

BMJ 2000; 320 doi: (Published 15 January 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;320:149
  1. Ronan A Lyons (, senior lecturera,
  2. Ann M Delahunty, primary care adviserb,
  3. Martin Heaven, information scientistb,
  4. Michael McCabe, consultant in accident and emergency medicinec,
  5. Howard Allen, consultant in accident and emergency medicinec,
  6. Pam Nash, consultant in accident and emergency medicined
  1. a Welsh Combined Centres for Public Health, University of Wales College of Medicine, Swansea SA1 1LT
  2. b Department of Public Health, Iechyd Morgannwg Health, Swansea SA1 1LT
  3. c Accident and Emergency Department, Morriston Hospital, Swansea SA6 6NL
  4. d Local Accident Centre, Neath General Hospital, Neath SA11 2LQ
  1. Correspondence to: R A Lyons
  • Accepted 5 November 1999

Substantial evidence exists that poorer children in England, Scotland, and Wales and have considerably higher rates of deaths from injury than their more affluent counterparts.1 2 With the exception of specific groups, such as pedestrian injuries and poisoning, however, the socioeconomic profile on non-fatal injuries is less clear cut.3 The English, Scottish, and Welsh health departments have set targets for a decrease in the assumed variation in incidence between affluent and deprived children in the absence of baseline data. In a population based incidence study we tested the hypothesis that fracture rates are similar among children from affluent and deprived areas.

Methods and results

Details of this study of new fractures among children in the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot area of south Wales during 1996 can be …

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