Increase in congenital rubella occurrence after immunisation in Greece: retrospective survey and systematic reviewHow does herd immunity work?
BMJ 1999; 319 doi: (Published 04 December 1999) Cite this as: BMJ 1999;319:1462Data supplement
Table A Summary of published studies on vaccination coverage for rubella in Greece carried out before epidemic of 1993
Reference Year and place Study population Methodological rating* Age of children Sample size Immunisation coverage for rubella (%)† w5 1979: Districts of Xanthi and Evros Birth registries A 5 years 119 10 227 4 1979: District of Iraklion, Crete w6 1980 Attendance at several health services B 2-10 years 340 12 Athens and rest of Greece w7 1980 Inpatients in hospital of Ioannina and attendance at day care centres D 6 months-12 years 269 0 Region of Ipiros w8 1980-1 Primary schoolchildren A 6 years 600 5 City of Thessaloniki w12 1986 Household survey A 2.5-5.5 years 111 25 Perama, Piraeus w13 1987: Island of Lefkada Attendance at several health services, and primary schoolchildren D 5-12 years 564 33 758 12 1987: Town of Sitia, Crete w14 1988 Attendance at day care centres D Not stated (preschool age) 372 35 Athens w15 1988 Inpatients in Children's Hospital of Athens B 2-6 years 257 39 Athens and rest of Greece w16 1988 Primary schoolchildren C 6-12 years 921 23 Rafina, Attiki w17 1988-9 Secondary school students (girls) B 17 years 196 2 Area of Thiva w18 1988-9 Secondary school students D 11-17 years 1490 4 Area of Koufalia, Thessaloniki w19 1990 Primary schoolchildren A 6 years 95 60 Island of Thasos 12 years 113 52 w20 1990 Attendance at day care centres D 1-5 years 202 68 City of Ioannina w21 1990: Island of Samos urban areas Not stated D 6-12 years 572 42 428 45 1990: Island of Samos rural areas w22 1990-1 Inpatients in children's hospital of Athens B 6-14 years 202 46 (by 6 years of age) District of Attiki w23 1991-2 Primary and secondary schoolchildren B 4-14 years 85 41 District of Melambes, Crete w24 1992 Attendance at the outpatient department of the Hospital of Katerini D 0-4 years 358 35 City of Katerini 5-9 years 629 61-63 10 -14 years 682 43-52 w25 1992 Not stated D Not stated (preschool and school age) 7566 37 District of Rodopi *A: adequate documentation of methods used and sample representative of general population; B: adequate documentation of methods used and sample not representative of general population; C: inadequate documentation of methods used and sample representative of general population; D: inadequate documentation of methods used and sample not representative of general population.
†Results most comparable with those of other studies are included.1
Table B Summary of published serological studies on rubella immunity in Greece carried out before epidemic of 1993
Reference Year and place Study population Serological assay Methodological rating* Age of subjects Sex of subjects Sample
sizePercentage susceptible to rubella† w26 1966 Army recruits Neutralisation test A 20-25 years Male Greece: Total 1200 17 Urban areas 387 14 Rural areas 287 26 Greater Athens 266 8 w27 1971 Primary schoolchildren Haemagglutination inhibition test D 10-12 years Male and female 128 16 Nea Mihaniona, Thessaloniki w28 1971-5 Pregnant women tested at the virology laboratory of the Democritos research centre, Athens Haemagglutination inhibition test B Not stated (childbearing age)
Female 1447 12 Greater Athens w29 1975 Healthy individuals tested at the serological laboratory of the Alexandra hospital, Athens Haemagglutination inhibition test B 20-40 years Female 503 10 Athens w30 1977 Nurses at Children's Hospital, Athens Not stated D Not stated Female 94 4 Athens w31 1978 Women tested at the serological laboratory of the University of Thessaloniki Haemagglutination inhibition test B Not stated (childbearing age)
Female 223 16 Northern Greece w32 1979 Secondary school students Not stated D 16-17 years Male and female Not stated 7 Island of Salamis w33 1980 Pregnant women tested at the serological laboratory of the Alexandra hospital, Athens Haemagglutination inhibition test B 25-30 years Female 441 11 Athens Student nurses Haemagglutination inhibition test B 18-21 years Female 559 11 w34 1980 Several sources Haemagglutination inhibition test D 21-45 years Male and female 127 11 Northern Greece w35 1981 Pregnant women who attended the obstetrics outpatient department of the Alexandra hospital, Athens Haemagglutination inhibition test B 20-29 years Female 100 17 Athens w36 1986 Women who delivered at the University Hospital of Patra Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay B 18-40 years Female 107 23 Area of Patra w37 1984-9 Women tested at the serological laboratory of the Athens General Hospital (reference laboratory for rubella) Haemagglutination inhibition test B Not stated (childbearing age)
Female Athens Pregnant women 590 24 Non-pregnant women 514 18 w38 1988-9 Pregnant women who attended the obstetrics outpatient department of the University Hospital of Patra Not stated D 16-42 years Female 512 16 Area of Patra w17 1988-89 Secondary school students Haemagglutination inhibition test B 17 years Female Area of Thiva Total 196 19 Inhabitants of Thiva (city) 134 13 Inhabitants of villages 62 34 w39 1991 Secondary school students Not stated D 17 years Female 521 14 Distric of Ioannina w40 1979-81 Secondary school students Haemagglutination inhibition test B 13-18 years Female 2079 20 Athens 1984-9 Sudent nurses Haemagglutination inhibition test B Not stated (childbearing age)
Female 1203 25 Athens 1990-1 Women tested at the serological laboratory of the Athens General Hospital (reference laboratory for rubella) Haemagglutination inhibition test B Athens Pregnant women 25-35 years Female 173 36 Healthy individuals 20-40 years Not stated 647 39 1990-1 Student nurses Haemagglutination inhibition test B 17-20 years Female 400 24 Athens w41 1989-93 Pregnant women who attended the obstetrics department of the General Hospital of Kalamata Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay D Not stated Female 1200 20 Area of Kalamata *A: adequate documentation of methods used and sample representative of the general population; B: adequate documentation of methods used and sample not representative of the general population; C: inadequate documentation of methods used and sample representative of the general population; D: inadequate documentation of methods used and sample not representative of the general population;
†The results which are most comparable with those of other studies are included.
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