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Minor Surgery and Skin Lesions: Diagnosis and Management on CD-ROM

BMJ 1999; 318 doi: (Published 02 January 1999) Cite this as: BMJ 1999;318:65
  1. M A Casson, general practitioner.
  1. Didsbury, Manchester

    Roger Kneebone, Julia Schofield

    Primal Pictures, London, $65

    ISBN 1 902470052

    Rating:Embedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image

    Minor Surgery and Skin Lesionspresents in a spectacular way minor surgical techniques, and I have never seen them illustrated before with such clarity. The cartoon-like animations and the clear sound track answer many questions that, because of their apparent simplicity, are never asked lest the questioner betrays his ignorance, like the emperor's new clothes. Having practised minor surgery in general practice for 30years, I found …

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