Intended for healthcare professionals


Effects of the Heartbeat Wales programme

BMJ 1998; 317 doi: (Published 31 October 1998) Cite this as: BMJ 1998;317:1254

An error occurred in this letter by Ebrahim and Davey-Smith (26 September). The penultimate paragraph should have read as follows.

Two responses to rigorous evaluations that showed little or no added value of health promotion programmes for cardiovascular disease have been the design and execution of potentially misleading and methodologically flawed studies,4 for which exorbitant claims are made.5 A third response has been the suggestion that rigorous evaluative methods are not appropriate in this situation.Antiretroviral combination therapy and HIV infection

Two errors occurred in this letter by McMenamin et al (26 September 1998;887). The name of one of the participants in the study is Tamiza Parpia, not Parpira. She is a statistician, not a researcher.
