H A Thiadens, G H de Bock, F W Dekker, J A N Huysman, J C van Houwelingen, M P Springer et al
Thiadens H A, de Bock G H, Dekker F W, Huysman J A N, van Houwelingen J C, Springer M P et al.
Identifying asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with persistent cough presenting to general practitioners: descriptive study
BMJ 1998; 316 :1286
Why no control group?
I was disappointed that Thiadens et al did not provide a control group for examination, i.e. asymptomatic individuals in the community. Specifically, what is the prevalence of abnormal pulmonary function tests in their general population? If it is high, with a prevalence
approaching that found in this coughing population,
an alternative conclusion might be offered: that asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are common and not significantly more so in the population of coughers.
I encourage Thiadnes, et al to pursue further examination of their study group as I am sure that much more information can be garnered here. One issue deserving scrutiny is whether these patients are still coughing after six months and thereafter? Also, what diagnoses can be rendered (if any) to the remaining (54%) of coughers and does their prognosis differ from the group diagnosed with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Finally, how do these patients respond to different therapies?
Competing interests: No competing interests