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BMJ Resources

BMJ Resources

Make the most of your access to BMJ resources.

Available to everyone living in the Republic of Ireland, funded by HSE Library

Fast access to clinical decision support anytime, anywhere

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information. Our step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.

How to Create an Account and Access

  1. Connect to your institution’s wifi/network.
  2. Click on the 'Access BMJ Best Practice' button below.
  3. You will be prompted to create a personal account on your first visit.
  4. If you already have an account, click on the button below and you will be able to log in.

Download the award-winning BMJ Best Practice app

Use the new BMJ Best Practice app to find answers quickly online or offline. Access is available to everyone as part of Health Service Executive’s subscription.

How to Download the app

  1. Follow the ‘How to access’ steps first and register for a personal account.
  2. Access your Apple or Google play store and search for ‘BMJ Best Practice’.
  3. When prompted, use your BMJ Best Practice ‘personal account’ details to sign in and download the content.

BMJ Best Practice | How to get started

Watch tutorial videos



1. How to access BMJ Best Practice via your institution’s network

2. How to download the BMJ Best Practice app

3. Searching and browsing on BMJ Best Practice

4. Important Updates on BMJ Best Practice

User guide


Download our user guide for access support

If you need further support, please visit:

Join a live webinar – 30 minutes

Book your training session


Join one of our training sessions, designed to demonstrate the use of BMJ Best Practice which answers any clinical questions and supports decision making at the point of care. 


Build your knowledge

Available to all HSE healthcare professionals in the Republic of Ireland and 13 sites. The learning modules provided by BMJ Learning deal with everyday issues in primary care and hospital medicine. They are evidence-based and peer-reviewed and are regularly updated. 

How to Access

  1. Connect to your institution’s wifi/network.
  2. Click on the ‘Login’ link at the top right of the screen and select ‘Register now’.
  3. As a first time user, you must register within the IP range of your institution for full access.
  4. After this, you can sign in and access BMJ Learning anywhere.

Search the world's largest collection of clinical case reports.

Available to all HSE healthcare professionals in the Republic of Ireland. BMJ Case Reports is the largest single collection of case reports online with more than 19,000 articles from over 70 countries.

How to Access

  1. Click on 'Access BMJ Case Reports' button below.
  2. Select 'Log in via OpenAthens' option.
  3. Enter your OpenAthens username and password credentials.

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BMJ access support

If you need any support logging in, please visit: