GP Registration: Certificates of Eligibility
What is a registration certificate for GPs?
A Certificate of Eligibility for GP Registration (CEGPR) allows those who have trained as general practitioners outside of the UK to apply to be on the GP GMC register inside the UK despite not having a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).
This is the equivalent for overseas GPs to the Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR) application for overseas specialists. If you are considered eligible for the CEGPR, you will join the GP register, meaning that your previous training and experience are equivalent to the UK’s. This will be decided by the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).
Application for a registration certificate:
The certificate of registration application is done through the General Medical Council (GMC). Applicants have to provide evidence of their training, qualifications and experience abroad.
The evidence is uploaded onto the GMC portal with the applications remaining open for twelve months. If you wish, you may also send the evidence by post.
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) will review the evidence and make a recommendation to the GMC. It is important to note while the RCGP makes the recommendation, it is at the GMC’s discretion to award the CEGPR.
If your application is accepted, you will be added to the GMC GP Register. If your application is declined, recommendations on how you can meet GMC standards will be shared with you.
For those with an accepted registration certificate, application and completion of the GP International Induction Programme (IIP) is required. Following completion of the IIP, you will be able to join the National Medical Performers List.
Streamlined Application Processes:
Please note that for applicants from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa, there may be eligibility for a CEGPR via the streamlined process which requires significantly less evidence.
This is due to similarities in GP training, GP assessments and overall healthcare system in the above-mentioned countries and the UK.
For all countries that are eligible for the streamlined process, applicants must apply for CEGPR within the ten years after gaining their respective GP qualifications from their country. These will be listed below. This is to ensure that applicants’ skills are up to date and to the standard required in the UK.
Australia: applications must be made within ten years after completing the Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) or Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM).
Canada: applications must be made within ten years after gaining Certification in Family Medicine (CCFP)
New Zealand: applications must be made within ten years after gaining Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (FRNZCGP).
South Africa: applications must be made within ten years after completing Fellowship of the College of Family Physicians of South Africa [FCFP(SA)].
Please check your eligibility before applying as there is a pre-set criteria that you must fulfil before applying for the streamlined processes that might differ based on the country you have qualified/trained in.
International Induction Programme (IIP):
The IIP is a programme that aims to support GPs who have qualified abroad and are wanting to transition to working in general practice in the UK. Completion of the IIP is a pre-requisite for joining the Medical Performers List which is required for practicing GPs in the UK.
There are two programmes within the International Induction Programme:
Induction Route: this programme is for qualified overseas GPs who have never worked in the NHS as a GP. This programme entails a learning needs assessment comprising of a Clinical Problem Solving MCQ and Professional Dilemmas MCQ. Depending on the MCQ scores, applicants may be asked to complete Simulated Surgery. Applicants will then undergo a clinical placement.
Streamlined CEGPR Route: this programme is for GPs with GMC UK approved training from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. Applicants are asked to complete a self-assessment before meeting with the local programme director. This is followed by a clinical placement lasting between 3 to 6 months.
Click here for more details of each.
National Performers List:
The National Performers List is a list of general practitioners, dentists and optometrists who are have satisfied GMC criteria for working in primary care. You must be on this list before working in general practice in the UK.
Application Fee:
The application fee for Certificate of Eligibility for GP registration (CEGPR) is £1,727 from April 1st 2022. Please check this here as this is subject to change each year. You may be eligible for support with the fees through NHS England’s support packages or Scotland’s Enhanced Induction GP Programme.
Performers Lists - Primary Care Support England [Internet]. 2022 [cited 17 April 2022]. Available from:
Help with fees and other support [Internet]. 2022 [cited 13 April 2022]. Available from:
Practice I, (2021) G. GP International Induction Programme (2021) [Internet]. 2022 [cited 17 April 2022]. Available from:
CESR CEGPR application process [Internet]. 2022 [cited 17 April 2022]. Available from: