Intended for healthcare professionals
Peter Doshi is a senior editor at The BMJ and on the News & Views team. Based in Baltimore, he is also an associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. His research focuses on the drug approval process, how the risks and benefits of medical products are assessed and communicated, and improving the credibility and accuracy of evidence synthesis and biomedical publications. Doshi campaigns for greater transparency of clinical trial data and leads the Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials (RIAT) initiative, which aims to ensure clinical trial publications are accurate, complete, and data are publicly available. Doshi also has strong interests in journalism as a vehicle for encouraging better practice and improving the research enterprise. Doshi completed a fellowship in comparative effectiveness research at Johns Hopkins and received his PhD in history, anthropology, and science, technology and society from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
© I have the following interests to declare:
Being academically involved in research on various topics of interest to The BMJ, I personally know many authors who submit papers to The BMJ. I try to minimise potential biases by being open and transparent about the potential conflict of interest, seeking advice of others as to the best way to address any potential conflict of interest, and recusing myself from working on certain papers. Being an academic researcher separate to my editorial role at BMJ, I may also submit papers to The BMJ as an author. For such papers, I work to ensure that I am not involved in decision making related to the editorial process.
(Past) Between 2011 and 2014 I was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme for work on a Cochrane review of neuraminidase inhibitors ( Works from this project have been published in The BMJ. The NIHR’s funding of this project ended around June 2014.
(Past) In 2012, I received €1500 from the European Respiratory Society in support of my travel to the society’s September 2012 annual congress in Vienna, where I gave an invited talk on oseltamivir.
(Past and ongoing) I have accepted necessary and reasonable paid-for travel, meals, daily subsistence costs, and accommodation from meeting organisers only when the organisation is a not-for-profit one. As of 2014, this includes the European Respiratory Society, Yale University (YODA), Institute of Medicine, and Drug Information Association.
(Past) In 2014, I received a $1000 honorarium, plus meals and hotel accommodation from Des Moines University for an invited lecture on access to clinical trial data.
(Past) Between 2015 and 2016, I received $5000 from Johns Hopkins University for my involvement in a PCORI funded research grant to compare data from multiple sources (ME-1303-5785; PI: K. Dickersin).
(Past) Between 2015-2019, I received £6305 for my involvement in a Cochrane Methods Innovation Fund grant to produce Interim guidance on the inclusion of clinical study reports and other regulatory documents in Cochrane Reviews.
(Past) In 2017, I received a $500 honorarium from the Office of Research Integrity (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services) for speaking on a panel on open science at the Quest conference.
(Past) During 2020, I wrote two affidavits (unpaid) for lawsuits in California and Massachusetts that argued against mandatory influenza vaccination for students.
(Past) Since 2017 Between 2017 and 2022, I was the principal investigator of a $1.4 million grant from Arnold Ventures to University of Maryland for my RIAT Support Center, aimed at improving the credibility of clinical trial publications. This funding was for five years and supported my salary at the University of Maryland.
(Past) I received a 2015 New Investigator Award from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy which provides my university (University of Maryland) with $10,000 to fund a PhD student to work on research on how the potential harms of statins are conveyed in drug labeling and pharmacy leaflets. An additional $1000 supported two PhD students travel to the AACP Annual Meeting.
(Ongoing) Since 2014, I have been employed by the University of Maryland ( and was previously employed by Johns Hopkins University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All three of these are large research universities that have numerous financial relationships with entities that may have an interest in what is published in The BMJ.
Unpaid positions (current)
(Past) Between 2016 and 2020, I was an unpaid member of the IMEDS steering committee at the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA, which focuses on drug safety.