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Government says public backs homoeopathy despite lack of evidence

BMJ 2009; 339 doi: (Published 02 December 2009) Cite this as: BMJ 2009;339:b5234

Rapid Response:

Homeopathy included into Evidence Based Medicine ?

In the last decade a lot of research results were published on
homeopathy. A complete overview of this literature is available on
At least nobody can deny that some reproductible, converging results are
indicating scientific evidence and effectivity of homeopathy. As such
homeopathy should stay into Medicine to avoid the only real risk of
absence of diagnosis. Of course more research is always needed.
Following European Directives homeopathic medicines must be registered in
all european countries. There is already an european consensus between all
european medicine agencies about the quality assessment of homeopathic
medicines and in a very near future about the points to consider on the
justification of homeopathic use. Facts are stronger than beliefs and
should be considered objectively.

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

22 December 2009
Michel O G Van Wassenhoven
President of the registration commission of homeopathic medicine at the Belgian Medicine Agency