Intended for healthcare professionals

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Fillers My most unfortunate experience

Eating a manchineel “beach apple”

BMJ 2000; 321 doi: (Published 12 August 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;321:428

Rapid Response:

what if you eat the poison fruit?

I did find the fruit on the beach; someone asked what it was so I
walked down the beach...I think it was Barbados...and saw the fruit on the
ground, looking like a lime but when I picked it up, it was more like an
apple. I ate maybe half of it then threw it off...initally good but then
more bitter like unripe fruit. Soon my throat was burning.

A vendor along the beach stopped to sell necklaces and told me that I
should go get milk at the bar...I hate milk but drank it and ordered a
pina colada.

It was a scary feeling throughout the night but I went to dinner and
throughout the night I think it made its way through my body. Now however
I have little voice and more difficulty swallowing although it has been
days since eating.

The second night after, a young boy, hearing the story, asked me,
"Why would you eat a fruit laying on the beach?".
I told him I like tropical fruits and thought I'd try it. Never had I
seen a posting of poisonous fruits. Now I will advise all myu friends but
my remaining question is:

what treatment other than the milk is required or is it just
something that passes.

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

28 November 2006
Lois E Schneider