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Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes

BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 14 October 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:924

Rapid Response:


What an interesting article! Of course it was bound to stimulate a
lively debate between those who wholeheartedly support the Palestinian
national struggle, (no matter how murderous its methods) and those who
argue for Israel or just for some balance.

I have to wonder just how appropriate all this is for the BMJ though,
is a reputable Journal to be used for propaganda now?

I am minded of how the communists used to behave; they shamelessly
used those in the West of a liberal and leftist disposition to further
their own evil ends through a veritable plethora of 'front' organisations
and such like. The term used by those cynics then was 'useful idiot', I
would caution any of your readers against becoming just such a 'useful
idiot', do not give way to an emotional spasm but have a read around the
subject from a variety of sources and start to ask questions of BOTH
sides, a few that I have felt myself obliged to ask of the Palestinians
(who DEFINITLEY suffer terribly) are:

'why are you still lumbered with an old crook like Arafat, ex KGB
trained etc. instead of moving on?'
Another is:

'why have you consistently rejected statehood? Why does it always
have to be all or nothing for you when you always end up with nothing?
Must you always play the victim?'

and finally
'why, when other nations under occupation avoid murderous terrorism that
TARGETS civillians, don't you?'.

Something is seriously wrong in Palestine and its not just Israel.

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

17 October 2004
Nigel Bowness
IT Consultant