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Epidemiology of chronic fatigue syndrome and self reported myalgic encephalomyelitis in 5-15 year olds: cross sectional study

BMJ 2003; 327 doi: (Published 18 September 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;327:654

Rapid Response:

'first do no harm'

The obvious solution to the problem would be to simply separate
myalgic encephalomyelitis (as defined by the World Heath Organisation. ICD
-10 G93.3) from the functional somatic 'chronic fatigue' (as defined by
Wessely et al) This could easily be done by creating a new stricter
criteria for ME (ICD-CFS), possibly based on the disease defined by Melvin
Ramsey, where medics can develop the various diagnostic markers already
known to ascertain with a high degree of probability whether the patient
has ME (ICD-CFS) as opposed to the functional somatic 'chronic fatigue'
defined by Wessely et al.

That way those with mitochondria dysfunction, who are likely to be
made worse by psychological interventions such as graded exercise regimes,
or indeed SSRI's, will be spared further unnecessary suffering via a
misdiagnosis that ultimately confuses the numbers involved, and denies
further investigation and consequently any chance of a cure.

However, that simple resolve would mean studying a disease that is
known to have environmental triggers, e.g. heavy metals, pesticides, etc,
as well as viral / bacterial implications, i.e. HHV6, CMV, Mycoplasma and
other known vaccine contaminates, including SV40. Therefore, ask yourself
this; can the chemical / pharmaceutical industries who control research
risk putting the aetiology of ME under serious scrutiny - for will they
not implicate themselves in the cause ?

As a 'thick skinned' adult patient who has experienced the cultured
ignorance and confusion engrained within the medical establishment with
regards to ME, I must offer my deepest sympathies to all the families who
have children suffering both the disease and the apparent ignorance within
the medical establishment, as well as all those who have lost family
members to suicide.

Also, as someone who has used various internet discussion groups over
the years, I suggest any psychiatric co-mordity in children (or adults)
with ME is a direct result of the condescending attitudes, inappropriate
psychological interventions and the subsequent neglect these children
face. I would argue that this creates a self-fulfilling prophecy for
Wessely et al.

I don't know what has to happen before something changes with regards
these relentless attempts to psychologies ME (by lumping it together with
functional somatic syndromes). Perhaps the only thing that actually needs
changing is your attitude after reading this. I would sincerely urge you
all to keep up to date with international research on ME that is seldom,
if ever, presented in the BMJ, and then speak out against the gross
injustice being carried out in the name of medical science.

Please use your voice to help these children by demanding the Medical
Research Council fund serious investigation into the cause and cure of the
neurological disease ME. A disease the multinational, chemical,
pharmaceutical and insurance industries may prefer to ignore the causes

Competing interests:  
Never worked for multinational, chemical, pharmaceutical or insurance industries...

Competing interests: No competing interests

23 September 2003
Paul Lynch