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Rapid response to:


Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes

BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 14 October 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:924

Rapid Response:

Dr. Derek Summerfield's Views

Dear Sirs;

Even though Dr. Summerfield's comments are labeled as "Personal", the
article still bears the cachet of the British Medical Journal. Having
read the entire article, I can't help wondering if the author has ever
exposed himself to anything but Palestinian/Arab TV, Arab newspapers,
Hamas spokesmen, or any other group which supports the war against Israel.

If the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has killed 3000 "unarmed
civilians" then who killed the hundreds (if not thousands) of members of
Hamas, the Palesting Liberation Organization (PLO), the Al Aqsa Brigades,
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Hizbollah, and the numerous
other organizations that have been carrying out suicide bombings, car
bombings, ambushes, and rocket attacks against unarmed Israelis for
decades? Were these individuals also "unarmed civilians?" Some
clarification is sorely needed here. Surely a respected medical journal
like the BMJ is capable of producing more enightened commentaries on the
Arab/Palestinian war against Israel than that offered by Dr. Summerfield.

Yours truly,

David Ronis

Montgomery Village,

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

19 October 2004
David Ronis
Retired former U.S. Intelligence Officer