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Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes

BMJ 2004; 329 doi: (Published 14 October 2004) Cite this as: BMJ 2004;329:924

Rapid Response:


Thank you for having the courage to write of human suffering. Have
glanced over some of the predictable 'outraged' responses of the people
who will 'never forget', would like us to recall that there are many
honourable elements within Israeli and Jewish society that recognize the
truth of how ultimately superior power over another people's lives can
corrupt, and how the young snipers within a given army think that it is
justifiable to target the spinal cord of another young man, pump 20
bullets into a schoolgirl,even after she died, and kill a baby in her
mother's lap.

Palestinian leadership, such as it is, does bear a responsibility,
foremost towards its own people for its weakness and ineptness, but the
violence that baits Israel is but a weak and dissipated response to the
overwhelming and arrogant force used in the eradication of a people by
every means possible, both visibly and through unseen means. There are
Jewish texts that justify the killing of unborn children and the uprooting
of trees from the 'seed' of the other....just as I know you will leap to
respond that there are Islamic texts...
One is not here to add to the rhetoric, but to insist that we must look
truth in the face, within ourselves as in front of others, to eventually
move towards peace between Cain and Abel, our current day Semitic brothers
at war in the 'promised land' of Palestine...the beginning of peace is
allowing for professional recognition of the suffering of human beings,
such as was in 'Palestine: the assault on health and other war
crimes'published in the BMJ...which has been under assault in itself as
the powerful want no dying noises from the victim or witnesses to his
death and is so accustomed to ironclad control of the media.

This does not deny the suffering of others, mercy must go both ways,
but let us bypass the self-righteous...none of us will ever forget...
thank you

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

25 October 2004
HCST 11941