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Penicillin for acute sore throat in children: randomised, double blind trial

BMJ 2003; 327 doi: (Published 04 December 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;327:1324

Rapid Response:

Biophysical Semeiotics, EBM, and SPBM useful in treating children with soare throat.


Treating children who have a sore throat for less than seven days and at
least two of the four Centor criteria (history of fever, absence of cough,
swollen tender anterior cervical lymph nodes, and tonsillar exudate),
doctors must firstly consider other, really important, situations,
independent of those related to the effectiveness of penicillin in
resolving symptoms in children with sore throat, compared with placebo
(1). In other words, once again, a doctor has necessarily to remember that
nowadays he can utilize at the bed side both EBM and SPBM, i.e., Single
Patient Based Medicine (2)(See web site, URL:

The first question: “Is this patient affected by “Rheumatic
Constitution”, conditio sine qua non of all forms of rheumatism, or not?
(3, 4, 5). Another unavoidable question is: “ Does this patient have CAD risk or
cerebrovascular disease risk, or not”. In addition, Biophysical Semeiotics
allows doctor to make bed side differential diagnosis between viral and
bacterial diseases in a rapid, reliable and easy way. (2-5)

To summarize,
before treating a patient on the base of EBM, doctor must know the patient’s
biophysical-semeiotic constitutions, and utilize also SPBM (2). We can
partially agree with colleagues, who state that penicillin treatment had
no beneficial effect in children with sore throat on the average duration
of symptoms (1). However, to know what kind of severe streptococcal
sequelae penicillin may reduce, doctor has to study, first of all,
Biophysical Semeiotics.

Zwart S., Rovers MM., et al. Penicillin for acute sore throat in
children: randomised, double blind trial.BMJ 2003;327:1324 (6 December),

2) Stagnaro S. “Single Patient Based Medicine” versus EBM, , (16 May 2003).

3) Stagnaro S., Auscultatory Percussion Therapeutic Monitoring and
Cerebral Dominance in Rheumatology. 2nd World Congress of Inflammation,
Antirheumatics, analgesics, immunomodulators. Abstracts, A. Book 1, pg.
116, March 19-22, 1986 Montecarlo.

4) Stagnaro S., Auscultatory Percussion of Rheumatic Diseases. X European
Congress of Rheumatology. Moscow. 26 June-July, 1983 Proceedings, pg 175

5) Stagnaro S., Polimialgia Reumatica Acuta Benigna Variante. Clin. Ter.
118, 193, 1986 [Pub-Med indicizzato per Medline]

Competing interests:
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

05 December 2003
Sergio Stagnaro
Specialist in Blood, Gastrointestinal, and Metabolic Diseases.
Via Erasmo Piaggio 23/8. 16037 Riva Trigoso (Genova) Italia