Intended for healthcare professionals

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Effectiveness of anticholinergic drugs compared with placebo in the treatment of overactive bladder: systematic review

BMJ 2003; 326 doi: (Published 19 April 2003) Cite this as: BMJ 2003;326:841

Rapid Response:

No role for anticholinergics??

It seems to be a fact of medical publishing that different
publications may put their own emphasis of points arising from a new piece
of published research.
I find it hard to reconcile the front cover statement

" Overactive bladder: no role for anticholinergics "
with the contents of the paper itself.

The box stating " what this study adds " concludes that
"anticholinergics produce significant improvements in overactive bladder
symptoms compared with placebo."

Improvement in symptoms in overactive bladder syndrome is, in my
experience, largely what patients are looking for.

Competing interests:  
None declared

Competing interests: No competing interests

22 April 2003
Andrew E Brooke
Gloucester. GL1 5JJ