Intended for healthcare professionals

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Randomised controlled trial of homoeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial seriesCommentary: Larger trials are needed

BMJ 2000; 321 doi: (Published 19 August 2000) Cite this as: BMJ 2000;321:471

Rapid Response:

Vigorously attack publication bias

M J Savill MA MSc MBA DipHom mentions that the homoeopathic method of
preparing medicines includes vigorous mechanical agitation at each
dilution (ie 30 times for a 30C medicine). He suggests that energy
transfer to the solvent may play an important part in the mechanism of
action, and that the active principle may in fact be the solvent.

In my opinion he forgets that the 'energy' of the solvent is also
diluted (through 30 stages of 1 in 99 dilutions). Therefore, Mr Savill's
suggestion will not lead to a solution of the homoeopathy/placebo
problem. We better vigorously attack publication bias...

Competing interests: No competing interests

21 August 2000
Jos van den Broek
editor in chief
Natuur & Techniek science magazine