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Woman at centre of Southall case faces prison sentence

BMJ 2002; 324 doi: (Published 23 March 2002) Cite this as: BMJ 2002;324:693

Rapid Response:

The "Think Dirty" Saga

The “think dirty” Saga

Penny Mellor has my sympathy and understanding in her campaign against
the “think dirty” notion currently infecting the medical profession.
Regrettably the legal profession seems to have caught the infection too.

I declare I have a conflict of Interest. My daughter-in-law was
obliged to take her 4 yr old to hospital for a injured finger which was
found to be fractured. Three weeks later the same child fractured her
radius but this time the mother’s reception was different. She felt she
was being interrogated on suspicion of child abuse.

When her 2 yr old was knocked over by an elder brother riding his toy
motor bike a few weeks later she decided to attend to his bruises and
injuries herself. Taking him to hospital was much too risky!

Even the rough and tumble of healthy family life can have tragic
consequences if both the legal and medical professions conspire to “think
dirty”. It is time to take another look at MSBP.

Michael Innis

Competing interests: No competing interests

30 March 2002
Michael D Innis
Director Medisets International