Intended for healthcare professionals


Monitoring progress towards planetary health

BMJ 2017; 359 doi: (Published 07 December 2017) Cite this as: BMJ 2017;359:j5279
  1. Rishma Maini, public health registrar in global disaster risk reduction1,
  2. Ronald Law, chief of preparedness2,
  3. Francisco Duque III, secretary of health2,
  4. Gloria Balboa, director3,
  5. Hiroyuki Noda, director of office for AIDS control4,
  6. Sachiko Nakamura, technical official4,
  7. Virginia Murray, public health consultant in global disaster risk reduction1
  1. 1Public Health England, London, UK
  2. 2Philippine Department of Health, Manila, Philippines
  3. 3Health Emergency Management Bureau, Philippine Department of Health, Manila, Philippines
  4. 4Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control Division, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare Government of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
  1. Corresponding author: Virginia.Murray{at}

International agreements must include appropriate indicators, published regularly

Tackling the interlinked global challenges of disaster risk, sustainable development, and climate change requires urgent and transformative action if we want to protect current and future generations. Rising sea levels and warmer oceans have intensified the destruction caused by storms, and an estimated 90% of major disasters caused by natural hazards recorded between 1995 and 2015 were linked to climate and weather.1 Increasingly harmful environmental trends are driven mainly by human activity, and full engagement with the emergent discipline of planetary health will be crucial to protect populations worldwide. This discipline seeks “the achievement of the highest attainable standard of health, wellbeing, and equity worldwide through judicious attention to the human systems—political, economic, and social—that shape the future of humanity, and the Earth’s natural systems that define the safe …

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