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Children in England to get flu vaccine at age 2 years from September

BMJ 2013; 346 doi: (Published 29 April 2013) Cite this as: BMJ 2013;346:f2792

Rapid Response:

Re: Children in England to get flu vaccine at age 2 years from September

This news item needs to be corrected. The title talks of FLU. The text is about ROTAVIRUS. The two infections may be difficult to distinguish clinically. But, for heaven's sake, at least the BMJ should not be slipshod.

Tell the parents that the immunisation is for ROTAVIRUS.

The news item goes on to say that meningitis booster is to be shifted from age FOUR months to age TWELVE years. Why? A realisation that at four months the body does not need a booster? Or, that at FOUR months the immunogenic capacity of the body is too limited ?

The Chief Medical Officers of the United Kingdom ought to tell us. Otherwise, we will lose faith in our guides, philosophers and friends.

Competing interests: Seeking facts

15 May 2013
JK Anand
Retired doctor
Free spirit