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Lifestyle, social factors, and survival after age 75: population based study

BMJ 2012; 345 doi: (Published 30 August 2012) Cite this as: BMJ 2012;345:e5568

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Re: Lifestyle, social factors, and survival after age 75: population based study

Older people, particularly those above the age of sixty five, have a high likelihood to suffer from a chronic disease or a functional disability. The appropriate place of prevention in elimination or minimizing such problems is extremely hard to evaluate. Usually, preventive steps that are taken during adulthood are targeted at the diseases, as well as conditions of old age (Thomas et al, 2003). Furthermore, application of efficient preventive must be done at the youthful age thus requiring intergenerational transfer in resource utilization. On the other hand, evidence shows that health education programs that are designed to delay or prevent problem onset in daily occupations for the reason of health promotion, as well as an independent living among elders are essential

Figure 3: Annual Medical Costs of Active and Inactive Women (Aged 45 or Older) Without Physical Limitations

Although the study has some limitations affecting its generalisabilty, the limitations and strengths are clearly acknowledge by the authors. In my opinion this study has good implications in the care of elderly in many institutions.

This study also supports evidence behind OT activities in care homes. Reduction in the budgets of these institutions can affect the frequency of leisure activities offered to their residents.

The limitations of this study in my opinion can be addressed by further research through an international and multicentre study design. This approach will also clarify the relationship between survival and other variables: ethnicity, for example.

Prevention and health education in elderly is a significant aspect in caring for the old. It is thus indispensable for the elderly to involve themselves in physical activities, in addition to getting educated on how to take care of themselves.

1.Thomas P. Gullotta and Martin Bloom (2003). Encyclopedia of primaryprevention and health promotion. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum

Competing interests: No competing interests

09 September 2012
ngongang paulin
senior house officer
Hwel Dda Health Board
prince phlip hospital SA14 8QF