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Papers And Originals

Survey of Workers Exposed to Dusts Containing Derivatives of Bacillus Subtilis

Br Med J 1970; 2 doi: (Published 13 June 1970) Cite this as: Br Med J 1970;2:629
  1. M. Greenberg,
  2. Judith F. Milne,
  3. A. Watt


    In a survey of 121 workers exposed to dusts containing derivatives of Bacillus subtilis, mainly proteolytic enzymes, skin tests showed evidence of sentiztation was higher among “atopic” subjects—16 out of tization was higher among “atopic” subjects—16 out of 25 (64%)—than among “non-atopic” subjects—32 out of 96 (33%). Reduced ventilatory capacity was found in 44% of sensitized workers compared with 14% of those not sensitized.